Allegation of sexual harassment against BTV GM Noor Anwar

Allegation of sexual harassment against BTV GM Noor Anwar

Staff Correspondent

Bangladesh Television (BTV) Chattagram Center GM Noor Anwar Hossain has been accused of sexual harassment of women.

BTV's Chattagram center GM's incident with women is an open secret. A 5-minute audio record in this regard has come to the hands of this reporter.

In the recording, a female victim working at BTV can be heard saying, 'He (the GM) called the room.... Don't believe that he is notorious in sex. Last time I feel extremely dishonor and intend to assault him, if he was not GM.... I go from school life to television. I have never seen such a silly type of person. There is not a thing that evil does with him or with whom he is interested.

But I'm still trying to avoid it…. What are these! He is not qualified to sit on the post of GM. A girl who conducts the Morning greetings named as “Provati Shuvechcha”. Romana (BTV official) calls the girl staffs and sends them to GM. It is alleged that Romana belongs to a vicious cicle guided by this notorious GM. So she easily calls girls with tempting offers.

The sufferer commented that he(GM) will be a person of honor, whereas he is now a terror for everyone. However, the identity of the woman in the audio record could not be expressed publicly for her honor.

According to BTV's Center sources, GM is always happy with different models of Dhaka and some beautiful presenters and artists of Chattagram. There is no one to see these things, and he does not borrow them.

A woman official of BTV said on condition of anonymity that there are discussions and criticism in Chattagram center. They need to be reformed. Here if you have a personal relationship you will get the program, and if you don't have a personal relationship you will not get the program.

Also, several officials of BTV's Chattagram Center said that these things of GM are now an open secret. Everyone is afraid to talk about his hateful activities. He gets up to beat with words.

GM Noor Anwar Hussain did not respond to a WhatsApp query when asked about the allegations. He even cut the call.