AL's new decision about leaders and activists

AL's new decision about leaders and activists

Since the resignation of the former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina amid the anti-discrimination student movement, Awami League leaders and activists have been attacked, their houses and businesses vandalized. In different parts of the country, party leaders are being beaten to death or injured in the name of 'mob' justice. Many houses are being burnt, looting is being carried out.

Awami League will list those leaders who have been killed or injured, whose houses have been vandalized or business establishments attacked since August 5. Several top leaders of the party have given this information.

Awami League Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim said we have said in different ways that numerous leaders and activists across the country have been wounded or lost their lives. Our activists are preparing that list. Many houses and businesses have been burnt. It has been said to list them and file a case. He also said that police are not taking cases or GDs. Those who take it show no interest or need. If we are not able to file GD, we will present the list of victims to the countrymen.

Nasim said Awami League will have the statistics. Based on those statistics, we are trying to stand by the activists. We want to share the pain and sorrow of the party's leaders and workers in this difficult time. We want to be by their side mentally. With our sincerity, love, affection or compassion, we are trying to survive by clinging to the activists.

According to sources, Awami League has created a visual document titled 'Monthlong State-sponsored Program to Decimate Awami League'. The document has been sent to the United Nations, embassies, high commissions and international human rights organizations. There is a pictorial report of violent incidents and repression targeting Awami League leaders, members and minority communities in August.

According to the document, BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami, the opposition party, are committing human rights violations against minorities and communities. We present to you the crimes committed against humanity and we request the international community to take the matter seriously and take effective measures.The document accuses law enforcement agencies of torturing and killing Awami League activists. Even information about the impunity of those involved in the killings and looting of residences has been highlighted.

Meanwhile, the activists have been asked to check all kinds of information from the verified Facebook page of Awami League since August 5. It has also been informed that all party information will be given on Facebook page, YouTube and Telegram channels. Since then all the information about the party has been available online. Leaders and activists are also given instructions from there.In a post given on the Facebook page of Awami League on September 18, it was said to the leaders and activists that all the victims should go to the nearest army camp and give written complaints through their family members.

The post said, "We have received reports from all over the country that most of the police stations are not allowing Awami League leaders and activists to file a general diary of house attacks and looting." Since the army has been given magisterial powers, there is now no option but to complain to the army itself to stop the criminals. All those affected, through their family members, should submit a written complaint to the nearest army camp mentioning the names of the terrorists.

In another post, it is said that the incidents of torture, murder, vandalism, looting and arson that have happened to the leaders and activists of Awami League and its affiliated organizations and their families have been given urgent instructions to be submitted in the form of written complaints to the police station.United Nations Human Rights Commission's fact-finding team is now in Bangladesh. They will collect and maintain confidentiality of all incidents that occurred from July 1 to August 15.

In another Facebook post, it is said that the most important thing in this difficult time is to stand by the distressed workers. Around 50,000 grassroots workers have expressed their plight through e-mails and messages. Specially requested to save their families. Many are unable to stay at home due to lawsuits and arrests. Those who want to stand by the distressed leaders and activists from home or abroad will contact by e-mail or WhatsApp. We will provide information to you.

In a post expressing gratitude to those who helped the helpless workers, it is said that many thanks to those who are supporting the workers in their respective areas at home or abroad. We will henceforth refrain from sharing anyone's personal phone number or any other contact information on public platforms.Giving urgent instructions to the leaders and activists of Awami League and allied organizations and their families, it is also said to write down the details of torture, torture, murder, vandal