Awami terrorist arrested near from Mirpur Shah Ali Mazar Sharif

Awami terrorist arrested near from Mirpur Shah Ali Mazar Sharif

News Desk
Awami terrorist arrested during robbery of Hotel Royal near Mirpur Shah Ali Mazar Sharif. The incident took place at Hotel Royal Abasi in front of Shah Ali Shrine in Mirpur of the capital on Saturday midnight.

According to hotel sources, a group of 10-12 members came in front of the main gate of the hotel late at night. As the gate was closed, the hotel staff got into an altercation, at one point the hotel staff were forced to open the gate.

Later, as soon as they entered, they beat the hotel staff and vandalized the cash and took 40,000 taka from the cash. At that time, they snatched the mobile phones and money in the pockets of all the members of the hotel. Later, he entered all the rooms of the hotel and snatched money and mobile phones from the guests. While escaping, a member of the dacoit group named Alauddin Hossain was arrested by the people.

Alauddin, a member of the Central Sechsevak League, confessed that he committed these misdeeds on the orders and under the umbrella of local Awami leader Nabil Khan. Alauddin said that Nabil Khan had also given instructions to tell the name of Mustafa Jaglul Pasha Papel, the influential leader of BNP in Mirpur, if he was arrested by the mob. Locals say that after the escape of Sheikh Hasina, her ghosts are continuing to conspire against the emerging leader of

BNP in Mirpur by spreading misinformation in the name of Mustafa Jaglul Pasha Papel, the former member secretary of Juba Dal of Dhaka Metropolitan North. Later, the hotel authorities and general public including BNP, Chhatra Dal, Jubadal, Sramik Dal of Darus Salam, Shah Ali police station put the dacoit gang members on a shoe string and handed them over to the police at Darus Salam police station.