BAESA Election-2024: President Dr. Saifullah, General Secretary Dr. Golam Rasul

BAESA Election-2024: President Dr. Saifullah, General Secretary Dr. Golam Rasul

After a long wait, the executive body election-2024 of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Scientists’ Association (BAESA), a prestigious professional association of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), was held on October 03. The 13-member executive body has been elected through direct voting by 464 scientists (representing almost 99% of eligible voters) present in the country.

The elected officials will serve the scientist community for the next two years. Dr. A.S.M. Saifullah, the Chief Scientific Officer, Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, AERE, Savar has been elected as President and Dr. Md. Golam Rasul, the Chief Geologist, Institute of Nuclear Minerals, AERE, Savar has been elected as General Secretary.

The other elected officials of the executive committee include Professor Dr. Abu Bakkar Siddique, Chief Medical Officer, NINMAS, Dhaka as Vice President; Dr. Md. Mahbubul Haque, Chief Scientific Officer, Dhaka as Treasurer; Dr. Md. Firoz Mortuza, Principal Scientific Officer, IFRB, AERE, Savar as Assistant General Secretary and Engr. Md. Al Mamun, Principal Engineer, BAEC Headquarters, Dhaka as Information and Publication Secretary.

Additionally, seven elected executive members are Dr. Md. Asad Sharif, Chief Scientific Officer, INST, AERE, Savar; Dr. Afroza Akhter, Senior Medical Officer, INMAS, Dhaka; Dr. Mohammad Rajib, Principal Geologist, INM, AERE, Savar; Dr. Md Abdullah Al Mamun, Principal Scientific Officer, AEC, Dhaka; Dr. Azmal Kabir Sarkar, Principal Medical Officer,

INMAS, Gopalganj; Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Chief Scientific Officer, INST, AERE, Savar and Md. Aliuzzaman, Principal Scientific Officer, NPED (CRNPP), Dhaka.