Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus came as a beacon

Nobel Laureate  Dr. Muhammad Yunus came as a beacon


Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus took over as chief adviser to the interim government at a difficult time in Bangladesh as his 84 years age. He appeared as the beacon of the highest aspirations of the freedom-loving students.

However, he became the head of the government in such a situation when the entire Bangladesh is going through a very difficult time. Just like in terms of law and order as well as in terms of fragile economy and market control of the country. As soon as the news spread of Sheikh Hasina leaving the country, the law and order situation took a dire shape across the country. 

Angry people attacked the houses and offices of Awami League leaders and workers. Terrorism spread in the neighborhoods and robberies. Police stations and outposts were set on fire. According to the organization of subordinate employees of Bangladesh Police, about 450 police stations have been attacked and countless policemen have been killed in the country. In this situation they also announced a strike. 

Although the situation calmed down a bit after the army entered the field, there are still reports of attacks and terrorist activities in different areas. The country's economy was in crisis for a long time when Sheikh Hasina's government was in power. Almost all the indicators of the country's economy are running downwards for one-and-a-half years. 

The economy's areas of strength have somehow weakened. Especially declining reserves, slow pace of remittances and export earnings, collection of duties and taxes, high inflation, these indicators  are suffering our economy. There is a lack of investment. Headline inflation has been hovering around double digits for a long time. Meanwhile, the volatility of the last few weeks has made the overall economic situation more fragile.

The biggest weakness of the previous government was the failure to control commodity prices. The prices of almost all the daily necessities have skyrocketed. As a result, ordinary and low-income people have to struggle to live their lives. This price gouging syndicate is still in force.
After the political change, as the chief advisor of the country's interim government, the biggest challenge for Dr. Muhammad Yunus.

However, he said on his return to the country that controlling law and order is his 'first priority'. Besides, if he wants to run the country, he must take responsibility to bring back business and overall economic stability.

At the same time, the market should also be closely monitored so that unscrupulous traders do not make the common people suffer by increasing the prices of goods. Dr. Muhammad Yunus became the light of the people of the country; we strongly believe that he will first shed light on these three issues while sitting in the government.